`Ramifications far beyond the Da Vinci Code`
Released on = August 23, 2006, 7:52 am
Press Release Author = Reality Press
Industry = Entertainment
Press Release Summary = A startling new book and accompanying DVD, Gnosis: The Secret of Solomon\'s Temple Revealed, by international best selling author Philip Gardiner, claims that Solomon\'s Temple not only didn\'t exist, but in fact had a much deeper significance.
Press Release Body = Gardiner will be in the USA between the 13th and 20th of September to appear on dozens of radio and TV shows for the launch.
Writer and researcher Philip Gardiner recently stunned the reading public with his Holy Grail revelations in The Serpent Grail and now is stunning a whole new audience with these new Biblical discoveries. With flack from the Catholic Church already growing, Gardiner is not out to bring down the beliefs of millions, but simply to get to the truth, at least that\'s what he claims. But in this new book, Gardiner shows that Solomon\'s Temple was in fact a metaphor for a deeper and ancient psychology with far reaching ramifications, far beyond the fiction of the Da Vinci Code.
Millions of Christian, Freemasons, Jews and other interested parties are fighting to have control of the sacred spot where the fabled Solomon built his Temple and yet, if they all came to this unique realisation that it did not indeed exist in the first place, then thousands of lives could in fact be saved.
More information on this remarkable book can be found on the website www.gnosisbookdvd.com, as Gardiner is free and open with his discoveries and even modern day Gnostics are applauding his approach with one organisation stating:
\"Gardiner possess that rare ability to weave history, mythology and spiritual tradition into writing that is both understandable and enjoyable to those out of the gnostic loop, as well as to steadfast Initiates. His source material is irreproachable and intentions totally above board. Gnosis contains a wealth of information worthy of Frazer, Blavatsky and Crowley-minus those writers\' ponderous style (Frazer), mystification (Blavatsky), and idiosyncrasy (Crowley).\"
Gardiner is currently touring promoting his books with speeches, lectures and interviews across the world. He has his own weekly radio show on NetTalk and is also filming for several television documentaries. For more information go to www.gardinersworld.com To book Gardiner for an interviews, book signings or for more information or articles please email radikal pr central on books@radikalbooks.com
Web Site = http://www.gnosisbookdvd.com
Contact Details = Email books@radikalbooks.com or see www.gnosisbookdvd.com for more.
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